Current Download and Counting
4500 +


Can it be integrated in my wpforms?

The Short answer is Yes! We have made it simple enough to help you integrate it as part of the payment process or any other forms.
Try it Yourself

How to make your website take direct donations

Easy integration and Process
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WalletUP is made to simplify its use with shortcodes. Currently the plugin is able to work on any WordPress website from version 4.8 and up. Try it Yourself

How to give and share your walletup

Just place one or all shortcodes anywhere
View Demo

Where to get it?

Download a free copy here on wordpress or search for "walup" in your existing wordpress

Who Can use it

Grow your revenues with less to ZERO fees

100% free of charge

If you are a Church, Religious Organization or a Non Profit, we offer you the possibility to quickly get donations free of charge

Friends and families

If you quickly need your friends or families to send you some cash. You can direct them to any of your webpages at once


If you have an account with any of the supported methods, you can quickly direct your customers to pay with FAST and EASY

Some Answers

What is Wallet UP?

Wallet Up LLC dba Wallet Up or Walup is a Maryland-based software company offering solutions for users to consolidate various financial services in one place.

We aim to create a “wallet” experience where users can access debit/credit cards, loyalty cards, tickets, and offer to their clients peer-to-peer payment apps like Zelle, Cash App, Paypal, and Venmo.

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